I continued sifting through old issues of The Dragon, hoping to find more convention tournament reports. It was starting to look like issues 2 and
The Ghost of GenCon Past
Thinking about GenCon coming up, and the past GenCons I’ve been to, I decided to make a little post of links to my past GenCon
The Dragon
I will try not to bore you with apologies for my absence for the past six weeks. The next week or two may continue to
My Campaign Goes High-Tech
Now that I’m commuting over an hour to Providence, while my darling wife commutes half an hour in the opposite directions, we decided it was
Rebirth of my Campaign
I had something interesting to post today, but then realized I haven’t posted anything in weeks and perhaps that warranted some explanation. I am moving,
On Themes of Exploration
James M. posted an old ad from Dragon Magazine in a recent post, and in discussing it said: There were all these ads for games
Best greeting card I have ever received: Thanks Delta!
Treasure Hall
Jenn just mentioned as an aside on her blog the existence of a room where she works that is called “Treasure Hall”, and her disappointment
Into the Silver Age
Delta posted a thought provoking comment on my last post, to which I started to write a reply. That reply got so long I realized
HelgaCon: Into the Forgotten Realms
OK, it’s almost a month later, time for me to put a cap on the HelgaCon reports. My last game was an AD&D tournament: Into