Another bit of analysis I did on Dyson’s Delve before running it was around identifying the various factions and their motives. Like any good mega-dungeon,
Category: D&D
XP in Dyson’s Delve
In preparation for my birthday game I spent a lot of time really analyzing Dyson’s Delve. The idea of a mini-mega-dungeon seemed to fit really
Birthday Game Setup
Sorry for the lack of posts over the past few days, but I’ve been too busy playing! For my birthday no less than 5 awesome
Magic Tables
I’ve hit a bit of a dry spell on the old blog recently — I just haven’t had a good topic. Fortunately, reader Baquies came to
The Thousand Year Sandglass
After many years of running episodic convention games at HelgaCon in his unique Arabian Nights themed world, my good pal BJ has at long last
Form of Magic Items
One of my favorite DM tricks these days is to take an existing magic item and change its physical form, often into something less useful
Computer Games Have Come Quite Far
While looking for inspiration for my gnoll-filled dungeon that I recently created, I ended up paging through Dragon Magazine #63 (July, 1982). I was there
Dungeon Design Workshop – Part 6
Here is the final edit of the Vile Crypt of the Reawakened Sisterhood. Despite being 36 rooms I managed to keep it down to just
Dungeon Design Workshop – Part 5
OK, it’s time at last to fill in the empty rooms. In the past I’ve always used the B/X tables for this, but I was
Dungeon Design Workshop – Part 4
In my last post I discovered I had a lot of unanswered question about my primary bad guy. Usually for my main villain I’ll just