On last week’s Wandering DMs Dan brought up the problem of having game time progress at a reasonable rate as compared to player level progression.
Category: D&D
My Pal Bob
Every Sunday evening I drive out to play in my regular D&D campaign hosted by my friend Bob, or as you may know him, R.A.
Horror in D&D Results
Earlier this week I got to run Something Stinks in Stilton as pure OD&D plus Insanity Cards. I intend to run this game this way
Something Stinks in Stilton as a Convention Game
On Monday I got to put my theories to the test and run a pure OD&D game with Insanity Cards to see how it plays
Insanity Cards – Long Term Effects
While I’ve posted about using Insanity Cards with various different RPG systems, I’ve never really spoken about convention play vs. campaign play. Insanity Cards were
Horror in D&D
Dan and I have been trying to get in the habit of teasing the next week’s topic in each episode of Wandering DMs, but in
Monster Cards Through The Ages
OK, this may be something of a cheat for the Through the Ages series. As far as I know there have been exactly two attempts
Tools in D&D
The technology level of a D&D setting is sometimes difficult to gauge, and frankly is often under-considered, by both publishers and DMs alike. Is the
Splitting the Party
“Don’t split the party” may in fact be the oldest adage in roleplaying. It has been passed down from gamer to gamer it seems since
Attunement: A Solution Without A Problem
In my explorations of 5th edition I was a little surprised when I encountered the rule of magic item attunement. In my attempt to keep