Hi there, I’m Paul.

And this is my gaming blog, but I suppose that part was pretty obvious. I’m pretty obsessed with tabletop gaming, if that wasn’t obvious. This blog is mostly an introspective journey that helps me marshal my thoughts on various topics, and I invite you to join me on the ride. Who knows, maybe we’ll learn something together.
I’m the co-host of Wandering DMs, a channel where Dan “Delta” Collins and I dig deep into various gaming related topics, and are occasionally joined by a special guest. I’m also the DM and show runner for Ten Dead Rats, an OD&D and Warhammer Fantasy actual play mash-up. I’ve also published a few adventures on DMs Guild and DriveThruRPG, all of which can be found in the Products menu on this site.
I run a lot of roleplaying games – for friends and at game conventions, mostly in the New England area. I run old school D&D, 5th Edition D&D, and some games of cosmic horror. I also collect a lot of board games, and am especially addicted to anything dungeon crawl related. I post about all that stuff here on this blog.
By day I’m a video game developer, creating awesome games like Star Trek Timelines. You may have seen me on panels at PAX East or Star Trek Las Vegas. Sometimes I leverage those work-day skills skills to create software that feeds into running roleplaying games, which can be found in the Tools section of this site.
So feel free to drop me a line, or better yet, post some comments on one of my posts. I’m always happy to spend a little more time chatting about games.