Fearful Ends continues apace, and holy crap, art is getting created. I’m super excited to announce that Valerie Light Illustration is working with us to create some really lovely artwork for this project. She’s been posting some progress on her Instagram which you should definitely check out.
We also have the very talented Christopher Granniss doing layout. Here’s an early sample from Chris:

Obviously when the work from these two combines this book is going to look just gorgeous. All of that is being coordinated by my amazing art director, Colleen Nachtrieb. Holy crap, it’s like I’ve got a whole team of artists all of a sudden!
OK, well, I just wanted to shout to the rooftops about all this amazing work getting done for my baby. I’m so excited for this project. Did I mention that there’s an email list to sign up for updates when the kickstarter finally launches? Please sign up!