Well here I am, queueing up for another online convention. And this time it’s a bit of a strange homecoming for me – I haven’t been to a Gen Con since 2012, and I thought it would be PAXU and Origins for my larger conventions from here on out. But the opportunity to host a couple panels came up and I took a shot. Honestly, I fully expected at least one of these to fail to materialize, but here were are one week from the convention and I’m gearing up to host two panels.
And the panels are doozies – a lot of great folks have agreed to appear along with me on some really interesting topics. There’s a little piece of me that really regrets that they must be online. I still fondly remember being up on stage at PAX East 2013 for “The Best Panel Ever”, and again in 2017 at Star Trek Vegas where I was briefly on stage with the amazing John de Lancie. In both cases I was there to talk video games, and I still hold out hope that one day I’ll get a chance to talk table top RPGs in front of a live convention audience.
Anyway, I’ll stop waxing nostalgic and get on with the actual news. Here’s the listings for the panels I’ll be appearing in next weekend at Gen Con Online 2020:
Zoom and Enhance: Getting The Most Out of Online RPGs
Friday, July 31st, 7:30 PM EDT
Playing a roleplaying game online is a fun social activity that keeps us feeling connected while still practicing safe social distancing. But it takes practice to run a great game remotely. How can you make the most of your online RPG play? Come join our panel of experts discussing their experiences setting up great games, and how you can do it from your very own living room!
Get pro tips on everything from tech setup to party management when playing remotely. We’ll cover the hardware, software, and social habits that will make every session a success. We’ve learned it all the hard way, come reap the rewards of our discoveries and our mistakes!
Panelists include Brittni Leigh Liyanage (d20 Dames), Emma Lambert (Web DM), Leon Barillaro (Professional DM), Monty Martin (Dungeon Dudes), Paul Siegel (Wandering DMs), and Shiaw-Ling Lai (Wizards of the Coast).
Saturday, August 1st, 8:00 PM EDT
You’ve got great ideas for complex NPCs and meaningful story lines, but how do you fit them all down into a single four hour game? Join a panel of experienced DMs Guild creators as they reveal tips and tricks for creating and running one-shot adventures with interesting NPC interactions and satisfying story arcs. Aspiring adventure authors and DMs alike won’t want to miss the gems revealed in this panel.
Panelists include DNDElise (published author on DMs Guild and DriveThruRPG), Domille (Domille’s Wondrous Works), Drew Dawes (Project lead of Shard Wars and co-host of In the Dice Box), Micah Watt (Pyromaniac Press, publishers of quality material on DMs Guild and DriveThruRPG), and Paul Siegel (co-host of Wandering DMs).