Continuing from last week, here’s a new entry from my Magic Table: the Tent of Endless Water. I’m not totally sure what practical use this magic item has. My gut says it’s only good for a laugh when your party first encounters it and you wait to see how long it takes them to figure out how it works. Knowing D&D players though, I’m sure some clever party out there will find some way to use it to their advantage.
Tent of Endless Water

By all appearances this oiled canvas tent is well worn but sturdy, and will hold up to six adults comfortably or ten in very cramped quarters. As this tent is being pitched clouds will form in a two mile radius, and once fully erected a light rain will immediately begin to fall. This weather will continue to increase in intensity for each day the tent remains in place, eventually become a dangerous sounding thunder storm causing flash floods in the area by the end of the week.

Despite the inclement weather, anyone within the tent will remain warm and dry. Even as water levels rise the ground within the tent remains firm and anyone within will experience relative comfort. It does not produce any change in temperature nor is it in any way more comfortable than a normal tent, apart from remaining impervious to the downpour it creates.
When the tent is taken down the rain will immediately slacken and the sky will begin to clear. After a few hours the area will return to normal weather patterns, which may include rain but only as much as is normal for the climate. If the tent is re-pitched the clouds will reform and the cycle will again repeat.
This could radically change supply concerns in arid environments. If you set it up inside a castle’s bailey, it could also be a potent defense – no need to worry about running out of water due to a siege, and by the end of the week it would become nearly impossible for an enemy army to advance through the muddy mess that it would make of the surrounding area. On a shorter term, it could also make it easier to evade long-distance pursuit; even a light overnight rain makes tracking more difficult.
Nice! All fantastic uses!
I’m pretty sure I spent a weekend in that tent on a scout camping trip last summer…
LOL. Definitely some real life inspiration in this one. 🙂