Some quick Wandering DMs updates for you all. First, I just want to make sure everyone knows about our new website, wanderingdms.com! Here you’ll find an exciting new way to tune in to the show – audio only podcasts. I’m doing my best to get those up as quickly as I can after the live stream. They’re also reflected to various podcast distribution sites, so if you prefer you can listen in on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, or Stitcher.
We also recently announced our Patreon site. Dan and I do the show chiefly as a fun hobby, but that doesn’t mean it’s free. The expenses of producing and hosting the show were starting to pile up, so we figured it was time to pass the hat. If you enjoy the show please consider popping over to Patreon and becoming a supporter. We’ll be looking for some more extras to add to the various support tiers once the dust settles.
This Sunday we’ll be live as usual, and our topic this time is the Role of the DM, as I posted about a few days ago. I’m sure Dan will have some very interesting perspectives to share, and I’m looking forward to seeing where the discussion goes.
So that’s all for now, sorry for the very short post, but I wanted to get that all out there to everyone before the weekend kicks off. Hope to hear from some of you in the live stream chat on Sunday!