I’m a big fan of Dyson Logo’s artwork. Recently, he’s been posting some very cool geomorphs. I wanted to play with them, and I probably could have just printed them and cut them out, but that would be too easy. I am a programmer by trade, and to the man with a hammer every problem looks like a nail…
So I wrote a little program, which quickly became a big program, and I figured after all that work I might as well share the output with everyone. It’s a fairly straight forward program that allows you to place and manipulate geomorphs, and export the end result to a PNG file. I haven’t written out full documentation yet, but here are some quick bullet points:
- Selecting a directory in the brush library scans that directory and all sub directories for image files to use as brushes.
- Select an individual brush and then click on the canvas to drop the geomorph into place.
- You can right click with a brush selected to rotate it.
- You can use the move tool to scroll the canvas around, or drag with the middle button while using a different tool.
- You can zoom in and out using the buttons in the tool bar or by using the scroll wheel on the mouse.
- Switch to the selection tool to select already placed geomorphs. You can then drag them around, or right click to rotate/delete. You can also use the delete key or the arrow keys to shift it around.
- You can overlay a grid and snap the brush to that grid. You’ll find the default settings for the grid conveniently work very well with Dyson’s geomorphs.
The app doesn’t come with any geomorphs, but I suggest you head on over to Dyson’s blog to grab some of his stuff. Or if you have some of the original TSR geomorphs, you could probably scan those in fairly easily. Anyway, here is the application for download.
Geomorph Painter – Windows Installer
MD5: 183dd70814af148a95112800c5ebbab0
Geomorph Painter – Linux Binaries (.tar.gz)
MD5: 0bbb7b36b66625968808da2325f8a2a2
Geomorph Painter – OSX Binaries (.zip)
MD5: 2e1b5d5d708396cedbc72d6e496d9b08
Let me know what you think. Hope it’s useful to someone.
This sounds really cool- a Mac version would be awesome!
I’ll try and take a look this weekend at spinning up a Mac version.
Sigh, after a bunch of time trying I completely failed to produce a Mac build. Looks like the old G4 laptop I’ve got access to is just too old, or at least the OS is (10.3.9) for the libraries I need. Until I can find a way to get my hands on a newer OS, I’m afraid the Mac build will be on hiatus.
Aw, that’s too bad. Thanks for trying, though!
Well, many years later, here it is, the Mac version. Enjoy!